But I am seeing all the action around town. I have a tremendous amount of respect for those hot shot crews. They are the toughest men and women around! They work 16 hour days (or more) in hot daytime temperatures (in the 90's and even pushing 100 degrees around here lately) and even hotter conditions near the fires. They are wearing nomex fire suits that do not breath. They are lugging around lots of heavy equiptment on their backs. They do this for extremely long periods of time. Those that work the night shifts will then get some much needed rest and sleep.... in a tent during the hot afternoon on the football field of the local high school. They have unbelievable strength and mental and physical abilities. They did a report on them on the news and they showed a local kindergarten class making cookies to give to the hot shot crews. I'm not generally an emotional guy but that news report made me sad and brought a tear or two.
Team Ropingthewind
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