#5 A cache may go for more than a year with a cracked lid, and 
everything will be just fine inside. The camo rockpile will deflect what 
little rain falls on it!

Regan Smith wrote:
> #4 You will not hear what size is it instead you will hear is it smaller
> than mine.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: az-geocaching-bounces@listserv.azgeocaching.com
> [mailto:az-geocaching-bounces@listserv.azgeocaching.com] On Behalf Of Brian
> Casteel
> Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 1:20 PM
> To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
> Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Top 10 reasons
> I wondered if you were going to include me in the Bombs Away cache 
> history.  Remember that was the day I got the Jeep and we went out to 
> rescue Geo the Otter, stopping here first to grab the cache from the 
> highway?  I was razzed the next day because one of the Beeline DPS guys 
> stopped by and checked out my ride, seeing the badge hanging from the 
> mirror.  Good times those were.
> Brian
> Team A.I.
> Roping The Wind wrote:
>>> 1 not only are caches hid by plane but found by balloon as well
>> You must be referin' to GC4FBB! That was a cool cache. Of course, the math
>> was all messed up and, quite frankly, it really isnt possible to throw
> some 
>> lightweight piece of ABS plastic tube out of an airplane and expect
> someone 
>> to know EXACTLY where it is gonna land... but... a few brave geocachers
> took 
>> up the challenge to try and find this cache. Team Sand Dollar had actually
>> gotten the first to find. But found it a day after he was originally out 
>> there, after getting some clues from the cache owner. He had only been 50 
>> feet from it the day before! Not bad Loran! Empanege (the cache owner) 
>> actually updated the description and hint to help out. But for Loran (and 
>> myself), there was no help and we just had to search a huge area of
> desert. 
>> I actually went out there the next day after Team Sand Dollar found it,
> with 
>> no clues or extra hints, and was able to make the find. I actually made
> the 
>> find without any of the additional hints! :) But on a hot April afternoon,
> I 
>> spend a LONG time walking around aimlessly in the desert searching for 
>> something I didnt even know what! The desert in this area was rather
> sparse 
>> and very little vegetation. So there wasnt many places to hide one. The 
>> container was suppose to be laying out in the open (which it was when I 
>> found it)... but was still a serious challenge to find since there were no
>> exact posted coords. I think the coords posted was where he threw it out,
> or 
>> something like that. Then the cache owner wanted you to do some math to
> find 
>> out where it landed.. what the speed of the airplane was and stuff like 
>> that. Well you also have to take into account varying wind directions and 
>> speeds at different altitude... none of which was stated on the cache
> page, 
>> and well.. quite frankly it is not really a solvable puzzle.. IMHO. I
> think 
>> the actual information given in the description stated the heading of the 
>> airplane and the speed of the plane. But I believe at the time that was
> all 
>> that was given. So, I just walked in that direction from the posted 
>> coordinates and searched and searched and searched some more until I found
>> it! So, after Loran and then I and I think Wyle E was next to find it...
> the 
>> cache hint and description was updated to give a more exact location. As I
>> look at this cache today... I see it is still active! Wow!!!! I found that
>> in April of 2002!!! My first year geocaching! It was last found on January
>> 15th of this year by Graldrich and AZCactus. Before that find... it was
> last 
>> found by none other than Brian-Team AI on June 7, 2004! It went a year and
> a 
>> half without a find!!! Anyways, this cache brings back some fond memories
> of 
>> the fun days of geocaching!
>> A cache found by balloon? Who did that? You must be referin' to GCHPF8. :)
>> Scott
>> Team Ropingthewind
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