What he said! For optimal results you will need: (in order of expense) 1) a PDA! Many, many options here, but nothing too fancy is necessary. Perhaps $50-100. 2) Cachemate. A program that runs on the PDA, and displays (almost) all the information available on the Internet cache page. Currently $8, with lifetime upgrades/updates. 3) A premium membership at Geocaching.com, to allow retrieval of the cache information you are interested in. $3/month-$30/year. 4) HIGHLY recommended (but not necessary), GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife). A program that runs on your PC that sorts and manipulates the cache information you receive from Geocaching.com. Also used to send cache information to your PDA and GPSr. $20 with lifetime upgrades/updates. Team Tierra Buena wrote: > > This may sound like a really stupid question but here goes!! What > exactly is a PDA and how do you use it to go to paperless caching? I have > > paper caches all over the house and would really like a new way of > caching!! > > PDA stands for "Personal Digital Assistant". It's a catch-all term > that's used to describe the hand-held organizers that are made by > several manufacturers. If you've heard of "Palm Pilot", that's one > brand of PDA (although Palm doesn't use that brand name anymore). At > one time Palm Pilots held so much of the market that's what everyone > called them. But PDA is more generic and accepted now. They all keep > track of addresses and phone numbers, appointments, to-do lists, etc. > > One thing all PDA's have in common is the ability to move information > to and from a computer, usually just by plugging the PDA into a cable > and pressing a button. This process is often referred to as > "synching". To use a PDA for paperless caching, you download the > caches you want to hunt onto your computer, and from there you sync > them on to your PDA. Then instead of carrying sheets of paper about > the caches with you, you just carry your PDA out on the trail, and you > have all the information you need. > > Depending on the type of PDA you buy and how much caching you do, you > may need to buy other software for either your PDA or your computer > (or both) to make it all work right, but that's a whole other > discussion. I hope this is the information you were looking for. > > Steve > Team Tierra Buena > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > ____________________________________________________________ > Az-Geocaching mailing list listserv@azgeocaching.com > To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: > http://listserv.azgeocaching.com/mailman/listinfo/az-geocaching > > Arizona's Geocaching Resource > http://www.azgeocaching.com >