Until I know when the coins will be completed at the mint and back to us, I really am not sure about setting an event date.  If you aren't able to make the event, for what ever reason, and you are in on the bulk shipping, I will make arrangements to get you the coins by some other method.

I know this seems vague, but since I don't have a set date for the arrival of the coins, I can't do much more for setting the date.

Team A.I.

On 4/17/06, Brian Casteel <bcasteel@uccinc.net> wrote:
Judging by what Jake has been razzing me with, I'd say Someburros at
Stapley/Baseline or Mill/Baseline.  It could be at the new one as well,
but that's for Jake to determine.  If I were to guess, I'd say the
weekend of the May 20th might be feasible since they should be delivered
by that time, but it also depends on his availability.  I'd hate to see
it delayed any, since the following weekend is the Memorial Day holiday
an event might be sparsely attended.

Team A.I.

PThomp9719@aol.com wrote:
> Delivery or event... might make a difference for those of us not in
> Phoenix if we knew when/where the event might be??
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