I had to share what happened on my vacation a couple of
weeks ago down in
I only had 2 nights and one full day in Buenos Aries, so
like any cacher I had to find a few of them.
1st cache was only .75 miles from the hotel, so I
made the trek over to the cache area. When I got
there I noticed another cacher (we all know what they look
like!). Got to talking to him and it turns
out that he also was from the
first cache. It also turned out that he also was on the same
cruise that I was on. Go figure! We found the
cache and went out merry ways. I eventually met with him on
the ship and we talked a while about
So this brings me to the meaning of the post. I also was
able to find a cache on
believe only has 16 of them on the whole continent. What is
the most exotic cache location that you
have found a cache at?