Well, folks, that was my three minutes of fame. According
to Andy Warhol, someone still owes me two minutes.
You can view the video on TV3's web site (www.azfamily.com.) You need
to have an account set up on their site to view it but it's free and
easy to create. Once you have an account set up, select "Online
Video" from the list on the left side of the Home page.
Then scroll down to "More Stuff" and look for "Scavenger Hunts Go
Hi-Tech." Or, if you already have an account, you can click
directly on the link below.
Cheyenne T.A.G.D. become a star!
You will also find a link to the video on my geocaching Profile
page. Oh, and thanks you guys (you know who you are) for the
positive comments. We had fun and hope you enjoyed it too.
-- Sprocket
w/ Cheyenne T.A.G.D.
P.S. I'm still looking for anyone who captured the video to hard drive
in a format that can be burned to a DVD and viewed on a standard
set-top DVD player. Drop me a line of you have it or know how to
convert it to the necessary format from one of the formats already
mentioned here on the list.
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