Except there is no _easy_ way to to do that. Sure, it can be done... it just ain't easy. As easy as say, downloading the (now defuct) .TPO file from azgeocaching.com that listed every cache in the state and had them sorted by Found and Not Found for my team. By quickly deleting all the caches in the file that were marked as found, I easily had a map with every cache I hadn't found in under 5 minutes. I can't see an easy way to do this with PQ's. I don't think I'm the first here to point out that PQ's aren't exactly intuitive and user-friendly. -- Sprocket I would have thought you could do that by merging several PQs together, > perhaps using one of the free geocaching tools available? > > Andy > > I'd really like to see is a PQ of "All Caches I Haven't Found" based on > state. I don't really need a list of caches I've found because I already > have numerous sources for that and because, well, I've already found them. > I could _really_ use a list of caches I haven't found in the state so I > don't have to mark, download to GPS, then upload to NG Topo every new cache > that is posted when it is posted. > >