Apryl and Gale....
Not sure if you saw the other previous e-mails but
was told the "wind tunnel" may indeed be a "wind cave" that is closer to the
Usery Pass Rec Area that already has a cache in it. I am going to check
with my husband when he gets home from work and find out more about this "wind
tunnel" that an older gentleman told him whom he met while hiking at the Salt
River the other weekend. I'll let you guys know more about the whereabouts
from Justin when I talk to him, I've grown up here too and have been tubing many
times but have never heard of this wind tunnel either until now. And yeah,
no a/c.....it's a real bummer especially for my poor babies and I don't know how
Justin drives to work and home every day in it other than he's a mad Englishman.
;-) Have fun in Scum Diego Apryl, I mean, San Diego (my hometown)!