The oldest, active URBAN cache?
I would seem to depend on your interpretation of URBAN. ;-)
If you click on the 'List newest Caches in Arizona' link ( on the upper right of your 'My Account Details' page), and then advance to the last page of the list (page 168, 3346 caches down the line!), you will see the oldest non-archived caches in AZ. You can then 'go backwards' towards the newer listings until you find a cache that meets YOUR criteria as an URBAN cache. :-\

It seems Diablo Point is the oldest active cache within incorporated city limits, but I would hardly call it's placement 'URBAN'! :-D
Next up would be LoHi. The first stage is in a city park, but the second stage is in a bit more remote spot. :-[
The oldest single stage, totally, unquestionably URBAN cache would appear to be Smile for Sneaky Peak. , but then, there's no container! :-(

There are plenty of older caches I haven't found, and so I can't comment on their URBANNESS URBANITY uh, I cain't tell ya if they's in town 'r not!. :-X


"Koch, Dan" <> wrote:
We all know that 'Geocache' is the oldest cache in AZ.

What would you consider to be the FIRST urban cache?
What do you think the oldest active URBAN cache is?

LazyK - Dan
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