I have a friend who is a reporter at the republic and he called me and asked how another reporter he knws and trusts could hook up with someone from the east valley or awatoookey. I led him to AZgeocaching.com. 
The guy I know is also a geocacher (handel withheld to protect his identity) and I don't think he would have helped anyone who is going to write a negative peice about geocaching.
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Casteel <bcasteel@uccinc.net>
To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
Sent: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 11:51:33 -0700
Subject: RE: [Az-Geocaching] [Fwd: The Arizona Republic]

No, I would never use sarcasm when speaking of the reporting done by some of the local papers.  I don’t know this guy from another reporter, so I have no idea what angle he’d be approaching this from.  There have been some VERY unfavorable articles published courtesy of the Republic (due to one-sided interviewing and selecting someone for interview that despises all things Geocaching), but my impression is that he wants to write something good about it.  I look forward to reading the article when it publishes.
Team A.I.