A better comparison would be if the soda and beer companies jacked their
prices when the spring warm weather arrives, or if the coffee companies ripped
us off each fall when it gets cold - but you don't really see that pattern from
any industry but the oil industry.
Costco doesn't charge MORE for a pair of shorts starting in March.
In fact, they become more readily available and cheaper at just the right
I'd prefer the oil the companies similarly compete for my loyalty by
trying to hold down the lowest price! That'd be a hell of a concept -
imagine Shell or Exxon or any of the others advertising "we'll beat the
competitor's posted price, every time, guaranteed!"
Now, the water bottle comment is funny - but in this case the consumer has
a million alternatives and as it turns out, WILL choose to pay $2 for a bottle
of water! Go figure. However, we do NOT have an alternative to
gasoline, it's a MUCH higher budget item for each of us, and again, water
pricing stays perfectly even throughout the year. If they suddenly charged
$10 per bottle in August in Gila Bend, it would be a ghost town before Labor
- Sk.
Besides, just try to
buy a gallon of anything else for what gas costs you. Milk comes from a
local dairy and requires very little processing compared to gas, which is
pumped up from a mile in the ground halfway around the world, transported 10
or 12 thousand miles, and has to be expensively processed before it is sold,
but the milk still costs more. Why isn’t anyone yelling about the dairy
industry price gouging. Heck, a gallon of water costs quite a lot, and
they don’t do much of anything to that.
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