On one memorable occasion, I signed a log with a wet stick and dirt because I forgot my writing implement. Didn't happen again. :)
Back east one winter, found a cache in a snow-covered woods. It was so cold that none of the
writing implements, including the one I brought,
worked. But there was a container of glitter nail
polish in the cache that remained liquefied… I
leave the rest as an exercise for the reader.
Thanks to all who responded with their
thoughts. I know it’s been discussed before, but
we’ve got some new folks on the list who may not have seen those
discussions. Personally, I don’t care whether or
if you log them, unless, as I’ve said before, your failure to log
deprives the cache owner and fellow-cachers of information that would be useful
to them.
Team Tierra Buena
PS to mozartman: You’re
always teaching me something I never knew before. I didn’t
realize they even *had* written
language back then. MWAAAAA-ha-ha-ha-haaah!