As a workaround, I'd be willing to host the files on my webspace for future solvers.

Brian Casteel <> wrote:
Shoot...I guess I didn't respond to your e-mail?  Sorry about that.  It looks like the domain registration expired, and therefore, the site is gone.  Until it's renewed, I think that it is gone for good.
Check your e-mail, btw.
Team A.I.
----- Original Message -----
From: David Thompsen
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 2:21 PM
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Son of Down and Across

I happened to be up in Phoenix caching this past weekend, and thought I'd pick up stage 1 of the "Son of Down and Across" (GC65E7) geocache.

Unfortunately, the "location" that I got the information for from stage 1 where the puzzle is supposed to be... that "location" seems no longer to exist or is inaccessible.

Is there any chance that someone who has solved this before happens to have kept a copy of the puzzle files?

--Dave, The Cow Spots

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