I've been looking at doing a cache based on the enigma code, but I don't think there's anyone up here that would be up to the challenge...at least locally.  :(  Odds are, it would be solved by one someone like mtn-man or yumitori over on the west side of the Earth.
Team A.I.
----- Original Message -----
From: David Thompsen
To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 5:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] 19th Hole

Welcome to the world of puzzle caches!  Some of us out there (despised and cursed by others, I'm sure ;) )  are particularly fond of designing puzzles.  Cryptography is just one means used --- a puzzle can take many devious forms.  Unfortunately, mine are in the Tucson area, so you're not likely to stumble across them, but feel free to eyeball them if you feel the urge.
--Dave, The Cow Spots.

*cynde* polenick <bloominfun@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hi Geocachers...
Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and bits of help. It
worked!!! Yep, late last night, buried up to my red, blurried eyesockets in
code, it finally come together.

What a challenge, and what an intriguing new hobby (both caching and
cryptology). It would have been easier for me had a ever done a code
before, but I'm feeling fairly sauve now... Sure wish there was an income
for code-breaking geocachers....?

I'm looking forward to finding this one. Thanks Tres Hombres for the
stratagem... (I'll be checking out Mission, too.)

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