I suppose it's a fair assessment to say that the stats section on AZGeocaching.com _may_ not be allowed to be fixed then.

Robert & Linda Smith <Lrsmith@cableone.net> wrote:
Thank you for your explanation on this issue. I did not realize how
involved it is or could be. I am glad we can contribute what little we
do to enjoy this sport/hobby. It (geocaching) has taken a hold of me to
the point that I needed a GeoFix today when we went shopping, I had to
stop and check a cache that we already found, logged and I already
helped the owner replace a log in it.
Happy Caching, Bob and Linda Smith, Team Petite Elite

Brian Casteel wrote:

>So y'all thought I was gone, didn't you? :)
>The problems that azgeocaching.com has been having with regards to getting
>cache information for the custom file builds and stats maintenance was due
>to things just like this, and may in some way contributed to the ill will

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