Tamo can already claim the Mine's smallest (cache, that is).

Magical Memories

Brian - Team A.I. wrote:
On the subject of Mine's Bigger and Mine's Biggest!, I had thoughts about
placing the anti-version of that cache titled Mine's Smallest!, but the
negative connotations of such a cache kept me from following through with
it.  ;p

Team A.I.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "HighwayHavoc" <highwayhavoc@yahoo.com>
To: <listserv@azgeocaching.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:51 AM
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] I'm Heading East - follow up

OK, hereâ?Ts the deal from my end of the rope...

I stopped by the Mineâ?Ts Bigger cache one afternoon after school,
looked inside and saw all those TBâ?Ts, but thought it would be cool
to go back with the kids. Like an idiot, I didnâ?Tt even sign the log
while I was there.

Between work, final exams and presentations at school, and preparing
for my trip to Georgia, I havenâ?Tt kept tabs on whatâ?Ts been
happening in the caching world. With utmost humility, I apologize to
Brian - Team A.I. for not responding to your posts concerning the
TBâ?Ts! I feel pretty bad about starting a thread and then not
following up with it.

Now my day of departure has arrived. Before skipping out of town this
morning, I jumped onto this electronic computing device to try and
catch up on the latest news. In trying to find the â?oMINEâ?TS
BIGGER� cache, I saw that the cache had been archived. Aagh!
Fortunately, my wanderings around the keyboard took me to the â?oNO,
MINES THE BIGGEST!....(Hello Again)� cache. Sweet Jiminies! My poor
wife, who is not altogether fond of caching (even though she can
sniff those things out like no one I know), agreed to drive me out to
pick up the TBâ?Ts that were placed for my pick up. Huge bonus points
for spouses!

I picked up three TBâ?Ts, namely: Hacksaws 32 Ford Hot Rod, Law &
Order, and teresa bug. Brian, you had requested that I pick up Ilio
Travelbug, but I did not see it in the cache. I did see in the
logbook an entry by Highpointer to the effect that he had picked up a
brown dog. The Ilio TB happens to be a brown dog, yet this TB is
still listed as being in place at the cache. Are they one and the
same? If they are, I find it odd that the cacher who is such a
fanatic about following instructions did not, in this case, follow
instructions. If they are not the same, ?Que pasó?

With all that being said, Iâ?Tm jumping in the car and spinning my
wheels. Iâ?Tll be back in four months. Until then, Ciao!

Mark A. Pedersen

Never knock on Death's door. Ring the bell and run, he hates that!

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