Officer pay.


DPS pays $36,096 annually for a new officer.  To reach the mid-point/maximum levels takes years.  Annual increases don't come unless the legislature chooses to allow it, which doesn't happen.  We aren't like city agencies who get their money from themselves.  We're in the pit fighting every other agency/entity for our minute slice of the pie.  It is a fact that <1% of the annual budget goes to DPS, and yet Napolitano continues to squeeze dollars out of us under the banner of a balanced budget.


Mesa PD starts their officers at $36,816 annually.

You're right, they are well paid...if this were Somalia.

HA! From where I am at (no job at all), $36, 816 sounds pretty damn good to me. They don't like it? Try McDonalds or some other low-paying job like the rest of the working class world and see how they get by.

By the way, I never liked Napolitano anyhow.

Safe society.

Or the guy who carjacks your car while high on methamphetamine should be allowed to take it home and enjoy his spoils until he gets bored with it and torches it somewhere in the desert with the body of a hooker he killed for drug money in the trunk. 

I never understood the big drama about getting a jacked car back: why don't cops just follow with a chopper instead of instigating a big show with all the cop cars chasing, closing down freeways, dangerously high speeds, etc? (and don't say "(helicoptor=expensive, how much does it cost to tie up 2 or 3 departments in a freeway chase, not counting productivity and work hours lost because the guy rolled the vehicle trying to get away, tying up all those commuters on the road.) Let the guy think he got away with it so he drives normally. After the guy gets to where he is going and THEN gets out of the vehicle, go ahead and move in. My vehicle is INSURED, if someone steals it, let it go, I don't care. Don't put innocent people at risk. But no, it's this big testosterone macho rush to go get the "bad guy" and be the hero. Hey, I paid my insurance premiums, that's what they are for. Please don't kill someone trying to get my friggin vehicle back. I can get another one.


Law enforcement is a thankless job, but I believe that the cops bring a lot
of that upon themselves.  We seem to forget that our safety should fall on
our own shoulders first and that we should be responsible for our own safety.


I disagree. 


Really? You disagree with the fact that I should protect myself or that the cops bring it upon themselves? Please clarify

I cordially invite you to spend a shift with me in OpComm at DPS Headquarters.  If that doesn't change your belief that there aren't enough cops on the streets (in this case, the metro-Phoenix highways), nothing will. 

I actually agree that there should be more cops on the freeways. Speeds there average 20 mph over the limit. It has gotten ridiculous out there. If I am going 10 over, people are still flashing headlights behind me and speeding past at 90-95 mph. They need to slow it down. (And then they complain about how much gas costs these days, go figure.)

Back to the real issue...harassment of Geocachers.

That was the original issue, but the case o' worms was opened when such a harshly toned attack on police officers (LE in general) was sent out.

Being questioned by an officer while geocaching doesn't constitute harassment. 

But don't I have the RIGHT to be left alone if I am not doing anything WRONG? The courts think so, and found in favor of a guy who just kept on walking down the street after trying to be questioned by officers. They ended up arresting him. It was here in the Phoenix area, too, I believe. He just ignored the officers and kept on going about his business, nothing of which was illegal.

Now, that being said, it is not in MY best interests to ignore a cop when questioned. Someone poking around in a bush at midnight WOULD probably look suspicious, therefore I do my caching during daylight hours. It would seem that ONCE AGAIN, geocachers have run into "SuperCop". Most officers have common sense, this guy seems to need a refresher course. It would be very easy to find out the name of this individual, by getting in touch with the supervisor, they can see who was where at what time. I would even write a letter (or a few of them).

That's all.


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