If you are using Outlook Express, under tools/options select the security tab and make sure the box isn't checked that says "do not allow attachments..."  If it is, uncheck it.  You will have to close and reopen the program, and on some machines will have to reboot.
----- Original Message -----
From: Gale Draper
To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2003 1:26 PM
Subject: RE: [Az-Geocaching] BLM Policy

I already have Adobe acrobat on my computer. I can't seem to access the attachement itself. Very strange. Is it possible there is a virus in it? I have another e-mail account that the list serv goes to as well and it also refuses to let me into the attachement.

Team Tierra Buena <TeamTierraBuena@earthlink.net> wrote:


Can you summarize its details about geocaching. For some reason, I can't get into this file/attachment.


You need Adobe Reader (formerly known as Acrobat Reader) to open this file. It’s a free download from




If you already had “Reader”, let me know and I will try to translate three pages of bureaucratese into something approximating English.



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