He owns quite a few AZ caches. He said something about his mom or MIL living here.

Team Tierra Buena <TeamTierraBuena@earthlink.net> wrote:



-----Original Message-----
From: az-geocaching-admin@listserv.azgeocaching.com [mailto:az-geocaching-admin@listserv.azgeocaching.com] On Behalf Of Gale Draper
Tuesday, September 09, 2003 1:33 PM
To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Why ve ry few new caches lately in


From the forums http://ubbx.groundspeak.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=5726007311&f=4416058331&m=82160838


I've been wondering why those who love member's only caches haven't hit this one. This guy seems to be taunting us with his remarks about Arizona cachers.


And *I’M*  wondering how this “vacation cache” even got approved? Perhaps MOCs are exempt from the “vacation cache” rule?



Team Tierra Buena

Till a voice, as bad as Conscience, rang interminable changes
  On one everlasting Whisper day and night repeated -- so:
"Something hidden.  Go and find it. Go and look behind the Ranges --
  "Something lost behind the Ranges. Lost and waiting for you. Go!"
Rudyard Kipling ,   The Explorer  1898

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