We've been out all afternoon, hitting a couple of caches along the way (and breaking the 200 cache mark!) We wondered if it was possible that azgeocaching.com could be a premium member and get the stats? If so, we'll pay the membership fee for the website (as long as it is $30). About the problem about the MO caches, is it difficult to write code to omit the details for those particular waypoints on the azgeocaching.website?
Our thanks to azgeocaching.com for all of their hard work.

insomniak@cox.net wrote:
I see a couple of possiblities for the stats problem...

1. The folks at Groundspeak are planning on making what we have at AZGeocaching.com apart of the Premium Package. So they are getting rid of the competition.

2. AZGeocaching is looking to generate income. If that's the case, tell me where to send my payment!!! I think I get more 'bang for my buck' here, than my Premium account at Groundspeak.

3. Flipper and Mikeytwoshoes hacked the site to make everyone who hasn't, want to go visit this (GCFE) cache.

4. I no longer exsist. In which case, this email will probably not make it to the listserv.

Team Snaptek does an excellent job providing us with this wealth of information, and also statistical breakdown of finding Altoid tins, ammo cans, tupperware boxes, and the yellow jeeps of the world.

Since it is coming up on the holiday weekend, if the guys at Team Snaptek want to have a nice relaxing vacation... I personally don't need fixed for the weekend. Just send me a note with the coordinates of where to deliver the liquid refreshment/adult beverage of your choice for weekend vacation.

Thanks for all the hard work guys.

Jake - Team A.I.

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Arizona's Geocaching Resource

Till a voice, as bad as Conscience, rang interminable changes
  On one everlasting Whisper day and night repeated -- so:
"Something hidden.  Go and find it. Go and look behind the Ranges --
  "Something lost behind the Ranges. Lost and waiting for you. Go!"
Rudyard Kipling ,   The Explorer  1898

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