----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] What should
I do when a geocacher looses my TB?
I've had travel bugs that I thought were lost
that showed up again 4 months later. Hang in there it may come
back. I currently have one that has logged more than 17,000 miles, and
now it is lost. I'm hopeful. Something I have done, and something
that I have seen others do is to use the Copy Tag and make another TB out of
it...but I would wait until you are pretty sure that you're not going to see
the other ones again....just call it (insert name here) Copy
Tag. I enjoy watching my TB's move - (or not move, a lot
of people who get travel bugs feel that they have to then put them in very low
frequency or hard to get to caches). TB's really aren't that
expensive so if I lose a couple, it's all part of the game. I'll put
more out just because I like to watch them. I had one that lasted for 4
days, I contacted the person about it, and he replied that he was sick of my
pesky travel bug and would place it soon...he never did, and by looking at his
profile, he never visited the site again, and that's the one I replaced with
the Copy Tag..(though Highpointer retrieved that one a few days later and put
it into a cache on the 17th of May that hasn't had a visitor
since...as I said a lot of people figure they have to put TB's into difficult
out of the way caches. You just have to decide for yourself whether it
is really a waste of money for you, if it is, don't put any more out, if you
want to watch them, put more eventually one will get around fairly
I like to watch them, so for me, I will buy more
and put them out there....the choice is really up to you.
Hope this helps.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 4:18
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] What should I
do when a geocacher looses my TB?
Hello IFISHAZ (Dennis P.) here,
Unfortunately I have
had two travel bugs lost by geocachers who had retrieved them from caches.
Anyone have any suggestions as to what I could do next? It seems to me (as a
relatively new cacher) to be a waste of money to buy TB's that if they get
lost are just gone (both bugs were lost in their first months of life, one
wasn't even a complete month old). Any suggestions would be
Thanks, IFISHAZ.