Sent Monday, July 21, 2003  3:05 PM
As of 1:00 this (Monday) afternoon the Super WalMart on Stapley and Baseline  had one 12" portable black light left.  See Dan's instructions below for information where to locate it in the store.
----- Original Message -----
From: Koch, Dan
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 12:16 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: FW: [Az-Geocaching] Black Lights
They were in the aisle marked 'Small Electrics'...the one with night lights and similar stuff...about three aisles towards automotive from where we met last night.  They are at the very end of the aisle, close to the back wall (where the plastic trash cans are) as you can get.  There were two left last night.