Yes folks that would be my cache, "My Own
Private Arizona". I will temporarily archive it
and retrieve the container. It was labeled but I
will add my new and improved sticker design
so another mistake like this will not happen again.
I will also contact PCC and retrieve my
canister. I am very glad the officer was so
understanding and my apologize for freaking out
him and the biology
instructor. And thanks to Scott Wood for contacting me and giving me
heads up. Also, thanks to Scott for the original
(at least I think) design of the container. It is
perfect for caches that sit out in
the the Arizona sun for days on end..unfound...and it keeps
he moister from the
Monsoons and the rats out.
And no I do not "lurk' on this web server. I
subscribed a few months ago for a week
but couldn't handle all the email and ... Any how,
I've resubscribed, at least for a little while, so
that I can defend myself and my caches ;-).
There may be several caches within a kilometer or
so of MOPA but only gadget man and
the shadow knows for sure.
-Rob (Wily Javelina)
Yeah, I know which one you are thinking of (I think) and
it's probably a
kilometer away from PCC while My Own Private Arizona is just
north of the
Pima CC baseball field. It wasn't clear to me whose
property that was,
though I am not surprised that it is PCC.
I don't know if Rob subscribes to this list either. I've never seen
post to it if he lurks on it.
Did you get What A Cache
On Tue, 29 Apr 2003, Scott Wood
> At 02:58 PM 4/29/2003 -0700, you wrote:
> >Hey Scott,
> > That sounds
like My Own Private Arizona, both in location and description.
> > You should contact Rob of Wily
Javelina. I think he lives closer to the
> >cache than the
Pima CC Baseball field is to the cache.....
> There
is one other cache of his that the final location is in that general
> area. I don't recall Private Arizona being in a PVC/ABS
setup. I have sent
> him an email about it but have yet to hear
back from him. I wasn't sure if
> he was on this list or
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Jim Scotti
Lunar & Planetary Laboratory
University of
Tucson, AZ 85721