Yes folks that would be my cache, "My Own Private Arizona". I will temporarily archive it
and retrieve the container. It was labeled but I will add my new and improved sticker design
so another mistake like this will not happen again. I will also contact PCC and retrieve my
canister. I am very glad the officer was so understanding and my apologize for freaking out
him and the biology instructor. And thanks to Scott Wood for contacting me and giving me a
heads up. Also, thanks to Scott for the original (at least I think) design of the container. It is
perfect for caches that sit out in the the Arizona sun  for days on end..unfound...and it keeps t
he moister from the Monsoons and the rats out.
And no I do not "lurk' on this web server. I subscribed a few months ago for a week
but couldn't handle all the email and ... Any how, I've resubscribed, at least for a little while, so
that I can defend myself and my caches ;-). 
There may be several caches within a kilometer or so of MOPA but only gadget man and
the shadow knows for sure.
-Rob (Wily Javelina)
Yeah, I know which one you are thinking of (I think) and it's probably a
kilometer away from PCC while My Own Private Arizona is just north of the
Pima CC baseball field.  It wasn't clear to me whose property that was,
though I am not surprised that it is PCC.
   I don't know if Rob subscribes to this list either.  I've never seen him
post to it if he lurks on it.
   Did you get What A Cache restored?


On Tue, 29 Apr 2003, Scott Wood wrote:

> At 02:58 PM 4/29/2003 -0700, you wrote:
> >Hey Scott,
> >    That sounds like My Own Private Arizona, both in location and description.
> >
> >
> >    You should contact Rob of Wily Javelina.  I think he lives closer to the
> >cache than the Pima CC Baseball field is to the cache.....
> There is one other cache of his that the final location is in that general
> area.  I don't recall Private Arizona being in a PVC/ABS setup. I have sent
> him an email about it but have yet to hear back from him.  I wasn't sure if
> he was on this list or not.
> Scott
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Jim Scotti
Lunar & Planetary Laboratory
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721 USA          
