Here are my answers:

1. What would you consider to be the hardest cache in Arizona?
            The hardest mentally I have done so far is Roadrunners Revenge: Net Serve
            The hardest physically would have to be The BOB View (I don't get a lot of
              hiking ones)

2.  What type of cache location (i.e. Urban, Desert, Forest, etc.) do you
prefer? Which do you dislike the most?
           Like -  Urban
           Dislike - Mountain (takes too much time :P )

3.  What types of caches (locationless, virtual, physical, multicaches) do
you prefer? Which do you dislike the most?
           Like - Physical
           Dislike - Locationless and virtual

4.  Is there anything that you find fun about certain existing caches that
you would like to see in future caches?
            I do enjoy the cleverly hidden ones that take a bit of searching to find.

5.  If there is trivia or solving a puzzle involved in finding a cache, will
you avoid it or does that appeal to you?
             If I have the time, I will try and do a trivia one. But mostly, I put them aside
               and do physical caches.

I hope your next cache is challenging and fun. I look forward to hopefully finding it someday.


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