I will make my home a cache so that I can meet others without having to go

House bound Hiker

Now I did that 2 time  one when I was laid up for about 6 months---(It was really kewl to meet all the different teams) and one with a high maintains cache that I knew would only last a week (The QUILT).... Both were fun to do....

We will be known by the tracks we leave behind

              Sent by:                                          cc:                                                                         
              az-geocaching-admin@listserv.azgeocaching.        Subject:   Re: [Az-Geocaching] Oregon bureaucrats propose using GPS to track
              com                                                each driver...                                                             
              Tuesday January 7, 2003 12:35 AM                                                                                              
              Please respond to listserv                                                                                                    

GPS tracking would not surprise me.
As much as we live in the now. So much of life is reflected in the shows
movies we watch of the future.
 Does anyone remember the show Sea Quest?
 On the first show of the second season the Captain was fined for speeding
his motorcycle.  He was told via radio transmission in his helmet that he
speeding and fined so much money and it would be automatically taken from
bank account.
 I was floored to see it then and so it doesn't surprise me to hear about
There were several new tech items on that show that are real today.

 Just observation,

WhtWolf,   Sherri

(See attached file: C.htm)