The ACLU still has their face red about banning Christmas displays in public areas because they felt it promoted one religion over another (arguments like this is why I can't support the ACLU)...  Give them time to regroup...  I sure hope they jump on this one because this would be a true violation of our rights.  Although on paper the ACLU is an outstanding organization and has done a tremendous amount of good in the past I feel they take certain things too far.  The ACLU seems to do things to attract attention to themselves (almost as if they're trying to justify their existence because they're afraid they're running out of things to do.  The Christmas fiasco comes to mind... as does the 'In God we trust', and 'One nation under God' outcry in the public school system.  The ACLU doesn't seem to realize this country was founded under a belief in a deity and the whole idea of 'separation of church and state' was instituted so our government couldn't impose an 'official' religion as the British did with 'The Church of England'.
Yep, I'm rambling and off subject... my apologies.
Just a humble opinion from someone that hasn't been to church since I was married in '98 (so I'm definitely not religious) but has a great deal of respect for the history of this nation and the beliefs in which it was founded on.  :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Casteel
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 11:40 PM
Subject: [Az-Geocaching] RE: Oregon bureaucrats propose using GPS to track each driver's

What surprises me is how the ACLU hasn't pounced all over this.  The public will not go for this, not only due to the 'Big Brother' feel it has, but for purposes the government doesn't want to admit they would like to use the technology.  Not that I'm playing conspiracy theorist or anything *grin*, but whenever something of this nature comes about, there are always those devious few who would like to see it used for greater control measures.  Hell, look at how far the magnetic guidance concept flopped after testing in S. Cal, where vehicles would be controlled by magnetic force on the road to handle speed/driving, in order to improve traffic congestion. 
Technology similar to the proposed already exists in the public sector in the way of vehicle anti-theft systems.  A US-based company manufactures an alarm system that allows the vehicle to be tracked via GPS in realtime using either a computer or a cellphone.  It can also be used to control functions of the car, such as starting/stopping the engine, rolling up windows, etc...  This of course being at the absolute discretion on the part of the consumer, and not something forced on them.  To require GPS tracking in vehicles, then charging by the mile is ridiculous. 
The only thing I can say in favor of this is based on a VERY limited scope where it would be of benefit.  Law enforcement could benefit from this technology by tracking a pursuit vehicle without engaging in a pursuit (or after termination), and coupled with helicopter monitoring, track the vehicle via GPS, in order to improve the chances of recovery/arrest.  However, the above mentioned reasons against the technology far outweigh this small benefit to an isolated population segment.  Just my .02
Team A.I.