Hi folks,

Following in the steps of Frobro Goose, I too am leaving Arizona, just not for something as noble as military duty in the name of our country.  I want to officially let you all know that at the end of January, I'm moving to Istanbul, Turkey for a year to teach English there.  I'm sure some of you have noticed it in the latest news section of my geocaching.com profile.  This means a few things:

1)  I'm going to miss geocaching in Arizona and all the cool geocachers I’ve met or communicated with!
2)  I'm selling everything (except my clothes, laptop, and GPS of course!) and will be having a yard sale the first two weekends (Sat. & Sun.) in January.  This does include my 2001 Toyota Corolla S with 11, 500 miles on it.  If you’re interested in dropping by and seeing if there’s anything you might like to buy, it’ll be from 8am-2pm on the northeast corner of Mill Ave & Hermosa Dr.  In true geocaching fashion, the coordinates are N 33 23.299’ & W 111 56.354’
3)  I have a Blockbuster cache that I will no longer be able to maintain, so if anyone is interested in taking it over, I’d appreciate it.  If not, I can easily archive it.

Now, since it’s a month until I leave, I DO have some geocaching goals as well!
  1. To reach my 100th cache before I leave for Turkey
  2. To find all the “Wyle” Operatives for interrogation and completion of Catch That Coyote cache
  3. To solve the Mission: Almost Impossible cache

Heather (aka Darsantre in her log sigs)
I am NOT addicted to geocaching.  I can
stop at any time.  Geocaching is not a
way of life for me.  I don’t need to
geocache every day.  I can drive past a
known geocache location without
stopping to search for it.  I am NOT
addicted to geocaching.  Really.