At 11:02 AM 12/10/2002 -0700, you wrote:

Unlike the USFS training that's been set up, the El Camino del Diablo Strike Force is not going to be as regimented. If you have the permit and show up when everyone else does, you're in. Time of day and exact meeting place have yet to be determined... does anyone know a good gathering place

I am thinking that I am going to try and take a day off work sometime next week to make the trip to Phoenix to get our permits.  It will also be a good excuse to grab a few more caches up there.

I am guessing that it will take us somewhere between 2 and 2.5 hours to reach the meeting place.  With that in mind, I think we would prefer a meeting time around 8 or 9 am. With the gearing in the land cruiser, 65 is about top speed on the freeway.  I also need to get the hard top put back on before the big trip.

In liberty,
