1) How did you get introduced to Geo Caching?
        Recent article in the Arizona Republic.

2) How long have you been a Geo Cacher?
        Less than a month.

3) What is your present GPS'r?
        Basic yellow Etrex.
    a) What was your first GPS'r?
        Basic yellow Etrex.
    b) How many units have you owned?
    c) What unit(s) would you recommend to new cachers?
        I haven't used any others but the Etrex is working great.

4) How long did it take to locate your first cache?
        About 10 minutes

5) What has been your most memorable cache?
        The Boneyard in Tucson
    a) Why?
        Has some trouble finding it and we found our first travel bug there.

6) What has been your least favorite cache?
        Tucson Top on Mt. Lemmon
    a) Why?
        We were disappointed because we couldn't find it. (will try again soon)

7) What factors dictate which cache you go looking for?
        Location - we go to ones that are close by.

8) How many other Geo Cachers have you met while on a caching hunt?
        None so far.

9) Has that meeting changed the way you cache?

10) When unable to locate a cache how long do you search?
        Depends on the location - anywhere from 20 minutes to 1 1/2 hours
    a) How many attempts before logging a no-find?
        I would say 3
    b) Do you contact the cache owner for help?
        We will if we need to.
    c) Do you ask other cachers for help?
        Same as B.

11) When driving around are you tempted to go and look again at caches
you have found before?
        We probably will at some point.

12) What has been the best trinket in a cache?
        Sand Dollar
13) What has been the worst trinket in a cache?
        Broken toys

14) Do you leave a signature item?
    a) Are you considering your own?
    b) Who has the most notable?
        Team Sand Dollar
15) When in a populated area waiting to retrieve a cache what things do
you do to pass the time?
        Sit and talk and people watch
    a) While waiting what was the worst thing to have happen?
        We have not really had any bad experiences yet.
    b) What has been the best thing?
16) Do you practice Cache in Trash out?
        When we can - yes.
17) Your own question for others?