Here is my response to your survey -

1) How did you get introduced to Geo Caching? 
I ran into a member of Roping The Wind on the South Fork of Deer Creek.  He told me about it.
2) How long have you been a Geo Cacher? 
Just about 4 months.
3) What is your present GPS'r?
    a) What was your first GPS'r?
    b) How many units have you owned?
    c) What unit(s) would you recommend to new cachers?
I am using a Magellan Meridian, which is also my first and only unit.  I really like the features, screens and flexibility of the Meridian, but I find it to be very termperature-sensitive.  I have to warm it up on cooler mornings, and have to be careful it does not get too hot in the afternoons.  Another drawback; the instructions and manual are very poor.  Had I not had a background in engineering and surveying, I doubt I could have ever figured it out.
4) How long did it take to locate your first cache?
My first one, Narrows by Team Hazy, was done without a GPSr, because I knew the area, had not yet bought a GPSr, and the site was well described. It took about 15 minutes after I arrived on site. 
5) What has been your most memorable cache?  a) Why?
Probably Pine Trailhead, a multi-cache by CBX2.  It is in an area and along trails that I enjoy.
 6) What has been your least favorite cache?    a) Why?
Probably Bear Canyon Vista, because it took 3 trips there to find it, and learned that the initial coordinates contained errors.   Still, I should have found it sooner than I did.
7) What factors dictate which cache you go looking for?
Weather, mostly.  I go north in hot weather, and work further south when it gets cooler.  I look for those that have decent access roads, and those that have hikes not longer that a mile or two.
8) How many other Geo Cachers have you met while on a caching hunt?
Only three teams so far.  (It is lonesome up here in Payson)
9) Has that meeting changed the way you cache?
10) When unable to locate a cache how long do you search?
About 30 to 45 minutes each attempt. I may make multiple trips to try to find it.
    a) How many attempts before logging a no-find?
It varies; 2 to 4.
    b) Do you contact the cache owner for help?
I haven't, but maybe I should.
    c) Do you ask other cachers for help? 
I would if I encountered any.  As I said, it is lonesome up here in Payson.
11) When driving around are you tempted to go and look again at caches you have found before?
Oh, yes.  It is a nice break to visit a place I enjoyed before.
12) What has been the best trinket in a cache?
To tell the truth, I often do not even look.  I go for the fun of the hunt.
13) What has been the worst trinket in a cache?
Same answer as for 12.
14) Do you leave a signature item?
    a) Are you considering your own?
    b) Who has the most notable?
Don't have one.  I will have to give this some thought.  I ahve not found enought caches yet to understand what others are using.
15) When in a populated area waiting to retrieve a cache what things do you do to pass the time?
    a) While waiting what was the worst thing to have happen?
    b) What has been the best thing?
Have not worked in populated areas much yet.  I did set one in a public park the other day, though (Payson - Rocket Ship).  I just waited at the library until the area was generally clear of people.
16) Do you practice Cache in Trash out?
This has not been an issue at the caches I have visited so far, but I certainly will.
17) Your own question for others?

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