While I think I understand what Jean (roadrunners?) may be trying to say, she does, IMHO, need to be careful about how she states her complaint.


While I am certainly an off-road enthusiast, I am not a geocacher.  As such, if people are driving quads and 4x4s to geoache locations and causing problems, then it is the geocachers that are doing it….not the off-road enthusiast.  (DUH!)


Now…the above statement is about as stupid as the one that Jean (roadrunners?) wrote, IMO.  She is, in my opinion, a dangerous element when it comes to these types of discussions.  Finger pointing is NOT the way to solve the problem.  Off-road enthusiasts AND geocachers BOTH depend on public access to public land.  Without it, we are both without a place to recreate (unless you want to geocache or ramp ricers in the city).


So….my advice to dear Jean (roadrunners?) would be to chill out a bit and stop trying to alienate those that may very well be her best ally in this fight to keep our public lands open and accessible. 


Yes….both off-road enthusiasts and geocachers share a common element….the moron that drives around on public land with complete disregard for the land or the laws…..and as she said…the ones that toss fast food wrappers out the window on I-17 (at least she got one thing correct).  Once Jean (roadrunners?) figures that out, she will, IMO, not come off as the finger-pointing idiot she appears to be now.


She has yet to figure out that what she is doing is exactly what the greenie folks want….divide the opposition into small in-fighting fractured segments and then pick them off, one at a time.  As the old saying goes, “United we stand, divided we fall”.  I wish someone would explain this to Jean (roadrunners?) before she helps us all to death.


Timber Chucker!


p.s.  Kyle, if you want to filter this back towards the source of your original post, please feel free to do so.  It will take a ton of talking to convince me that I am wrong on this subject.


Stu Olson



-----Original Message-----
From: Kyle Hagan [mailto:Kyle@spiderfirewall.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 3:38 PM
To: 'AzVJC Website'
Subject: [az_vjc] High Tech scavenger hunt article.


 I thought the list might be interested in what some of the people on AzGeocaching.com is responding about this article:




Perhaps the article should have been written about ATVs and 4x4s. We have noticed that there is a definite correlation in the amount of trash and the vehicle access. When you are in areas where you must travel by foot, there is a very small amount of trash. But when you are in areas where vehicles can go, there are always bud light cans by the case and a bunch of other crap one can only wonder why someone took the trouble to haul it way out there, unless it was to use it for target practice and leave it behind. We say TRASHY PEOPLE HAVE TRASHY WAYS. These are the same idiots who throw fast food wrappers out the window on I-17 thinking "someone" else will pick it up. I offer the following rewrite of the article:

An off road vehicle rampage has caused a panic among authorites who say the offroaders are destroying archaelogical sites around the state. Using jeeps and ATVs the slobs can literally drive right to more than 600 sites throughout arizona and vandalize artifacts and throw trash out the window....


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