Anyways, I think Mike brings up a good point. Perhaps Jeremy I. Should
>consider requiring a cacher to log in to their account at
>least once every 30 days (or 60 days perhaps). This to keep their account
>active. If they dont, then their account is deleted and their caches are
>automatically archived.

I've been reading all the posts about automatically archiving caches. The problem with that, and the very reason this whole discussion started, is that the cache is still out there and still "litter". By archiving it, it is doubtful that anyone will ever find it and/or maintain it. All that would do is deny access to the geocaching community. I don't think automatic archive is the answer. But you are right, it is the responsibility of everyone of us to watch the caches in our area. We always remove trash, etc from the cache container when we find inappropriate items.
I usually go back and review the logs of caches I've found and would be happy to assist. Perhaps an automatic log to the cache page that the cache might have been abandoned by its owner could alert someone in the area to check on it and they could post a reply on the cache page.