Why is the Diamondbacks game inappropriate as a geocache?  I've seen other event caches posted, and for most you don't need a GPS to find them.  For example, there was one a few months ago (for women only, so I didn't attend) at a restaurant near my house.  The actual name of the restaurant was listed in the hint.

You don't need a GPS to find many of the "locationless" geocaches that have been listed, although you may need to post GPS coordinates. However, you can find the lat/long coordinates for some of these locations from other sources, such as at a link to the epa.gov web site for locations of Superfund sites (that's the theme of a "locationless" geocache that I found recently - the 19th Ave. Landfill in southwest Phoenix).

Also, after work yesterday I found a new cache that didn't require a GPS.  Upon reading a description, the building to visit was obvious to me.


Team Tierra Buena <teamtierrabuena@earthlink.net> wrote:

I see that the event cache for the ball game has been disapproved by geocaching.com. I guess it's because you can find BOB without a GPS?
But if you log in you can still see it with the link Highpointer provided.

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