After failing to get permission to keep this cache in its original location, I made some changes to the questions so that I could rehide it in a new location.  Sorry about any confusion.  Below are the new questions if you are planning on attempting this one.  It is now no longer on private property.
Team Bins Keep

The Return of the Jedi Cache (


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"Wyle C" Operative

What is a Travel Bug?
Return of the Jedi Cache
by Team Bins Keep

State: Arizona [state map]
Hidden on: 4/24/2002
Use Waypoint: GC5110 (what's this?)
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(ratings out of 5 stars. 1 is easiest, 5 is hardest)
Difficulty: *** Terrain: *

NOTE: The listed coordinates are not correct. You need to answer the questions below to find the true coordinates for this cache.

Star Wars fans should especially enjoy this hunt.

Answer the following questions from Return of the Jedi. Substitute the answers to the questions for the letters in the coordinates below to find the actual location of this cache.

May the Force be with you!

N 33° 2A.BCB
W 111° 4D.EFF

A. How many Ewoks does Darth Vader kill with his lightsaber?  
B. How many letters are in the first name of the character the character who destroys the main reactor of the Death Star II.  
C. How many appendages does Darth Vader loose in the movie Return of the Jedi?  
D. How many letters are in the name of the planet that Jabba the Hutt lives on?  
E. How many letters are in the name of the pit that Boba Fett falls into?  
F. How many legs does an Imperial Scout Walker have?  

You can drive almost right up to this urban cache.
This cache is one of a series of caches placed to celebrate the release of Star Wars Episode 2. It is filled with Star Wars paraphernalia from the movie Return of The Jedi.

Please try to keep to the theme of the cache by exchanging sci-fi related items.

The cache's original contents include:
EV-9D9 Action figure (still in package)
Return of the Jedi Video
Original Marvel Comic from Return of the Jedi
Feed Jabba Travel Bug
Ewok Pez
Lando figure
Jabba Glob
C3-PO Pez
Luke Skywalker figure

Additional hints can be decrypted below.
You can decrypt the hint with the chart, or you can cheat.

    #1 Jngpu Erghea bs gur Wrqv sbe gur nafjref gb gur dhrfgvbaf (be ybbx ba-yvar). #2 Gur pnpur vf uvqqra va gur Rjbxf' ivarf.
	Decryption Key:
	(letter above equals below, 
	 and vice versa)

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MapQuest Maps (BEST)

Topo Zone - topographical maps
(Site uses a different datum so coordinates may be off)
Microsoft Terra Server - satellite photos
MapBlast! Maps (Registration Required)

(You may need to click on the link twice to generate maps. There are some known problems with MapBlast! links)

Logged visits (5 total)
Warning. Spoilers may be included in the descriptions or links.

 April 28 by LazyK (111 found)
Cacher's web site

What a unique placement! It's almost as if it was meant to be hidden there, even if it isn't supposed to be. Took the Mouse #2 traveller and left a Yoda/Vader magic cube.

Team LazyK - Dan

 April 27 by Team "Wyle E" (376 found)

Cacher's web site

9:00am - Against my better judgement, I went into forbidden territory for this cache. Within 90 seconds, I walked around the locked gate, found the cache, logged in, and returned to the Jeep and drove away before the police arrived.

Thanks Team Bins Keep for the Star Wars trivia puzzle. Team Wyle E - Larry (Gidget stayed in the Jeep as lookout).

 April 26 by Team Dragon (59 found)

Definately an -Are you sure you got the coordinates right?- spot. My wife is the Star Wars fanatic in the house but she managed to get all the answers right on the first try. We liked the hiding spot for the cache!

Traded official Obi-Wan and Jar-Jar figures for an EV-9D9 figure and the Jabba Glob.

[last edit: 4/26/2002 4:13:33 PM PST]

 April 26 by desertSol (23 found)

My hubby the Star Wars fanatic actually got one of the questions wrong and we first ended up at someone's house! :O But we quickly corrected the mistake and found the place without problems. It WAS weird being there just like Team Sand Dollar noted! But a fun cache!

Exchanged 3 Star Wars Micromachines for the Comic book.
Team desertSol
Kevin and Chelby
(minus the two German Shepherds today)

 April 25 by Team Sand Dollar (254 found)

(Find #252) Wasn't sure I had the right location and felt strange being there but the desire to get another first drove me to continue the hunt. No problem determining where to look and found the cache right away. That was a clever hiding spot. Took the traveler as I had nothing to exchange.

Team Sand Dollar


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