Modest Charge! $ 18.95 - $ 22.95 ?? Its a beautiful place but not cheap! On 12/23/08, Michael Weiner wrote: > > We are very excited to announce the publication of our very first > Earthcache, and in one of our most favorite spots to geocache. In > conjunction with the Arizona State Parks system, we are pleased to present > the following cache for your enjoyment: > > Kartchner Caverns > > We are sure many of you have already had the pleasure of seeing the > caverns, but if you haven't now is the perfect opportunity to see their > splendor and get a smiley in the process. The cache does have a very modest > entrance fee, as it can only be accessed by taking one of the tours, but we > are sure you will not regret the opportunity to enjoy this wonderful Arizona > resource for yourselves!!! > > Enjoy, and cache on!! > Michael & Maggi Weiner > TeamDotOne > > ____________________________________________________________ > Az-Geocaching mailing list > To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: > > > Arizona's Geocaching Resource > > >