The new law regarding OHV 'fees' is still in the regulation development stage. Many 'benefits' were promised in this bill (new trails, education, enforcement). The fees (estimated to be $20 per OHV per year) will be implemented, but it'll be years before you see any new trails. Arizona Game and Fish has the lead agency responsibility (and they love fee increases). They have new offices to build, and new 4x4 full size trucks to drive around in. What the new / increased fees will NOT provide is any increase in benefit. These fees only equalize that which was lost through state allocation decreases. That coupled with increased fuel and labor costs (and the decrease in State Trust Land sales) will actually mean a decrease in new recreational opportunities and fewer personnel 'in the field'. So litter cleanup, trail restoration, rec area development, etc., will be deferred. There are too many 'demands' on the state budget to clean up trash. And who's gonna clean up all those desert washes south of Tucson, anyways? While Bill in Wilcox is absolutely correct in stating that the brunt of targeted costs should be borne by targeted users, TOO many people in this state are getting a free ride, in one form or another. There are too many mandated entitlements in this state (health care, food assistance, housing, etc.) that have priority over you enjoying the state's 'backyard'. Arizona is a low income / high cost of living state. Enjoy what you can where you can. Those of us who pay taxes are getting tapped out. And SMILE when you get passed on the freeway by a government vehicle exceeding the speed limit, or in line at a drive through fast food place or bank (don't they have to use their personal vehicles like the rest of us?). FROWN when you see a pregnant mom with three other kids using her state issued credit card to buy groceries you can't afford (the card is supposed to reduce the 'stigma' of using food stamps). It's only going to get worse. Bill in Tonopah _____ From: [] On Behalf Of Geocaching 7/01 Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 7:32 AM To:; Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Increase in State Land use permit I wonder if any of this cost increase is part of the off-road vehicle damage restoration effort, or will that be another increase in the near future. As I understand, a fishing or hunting license provides permit to use state lands--expect that to change. I agree with Bill, users should pay the bulk of the costs--I hope this is a better model than the gas tax fund.