Just to prove how crazy you people drive me with questions like this – I just gotta know, too – from Will C. Barnes’s wonderful ARIZONA PLACE NAMES < http://www.amazon.com/Arizona-Place-Names-Croft-Barnes/dp/0816510741/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/002-5637932-3299250?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1189996788&sr=8-1 >: “P.O. and milling town on San Pedro river about 10 miles northwest of Tombstone. Tow established, 1879. Station on E. P. & S. W. R. R., 16 miles from Benson. Mill was located on the river to secure water. After the Contention mine, one of the great producers at Tombstone. ‘So called because of a quarrel between Dick Gird and Williams and Oliver. They divided the claims and Gird called his the “Contention.” P.O. established Apr. 6, 1880, John McDermott, P.M.” Now, if I can just keep myself from beginning research on Dick Gird, I might get some sleep tonight.