Sweet Fancy Christmas! That is the coolest coin I have seen yet. While I am decidedly *not* into the coin buying/trading/chasing side of GeoCaching (a question of budget, not the activity itself), I ordered 3. Will keep one, perhaps trade one and now I'll have to get off my duff and hide a righteous combination puzzle & multi cache so that I can leave one of 'em as the FTF prize. Tim Team AZFastFeet ============================================================ From: "Wendy" Date: 2006/02/21 Tue PM 12:29:58 EST To: Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Tombstone Justice Coins Ok I just wanted to let everyone know that there are still some coins available at http://cointracking.com/view_series.php?sid=197 Hope everyone has a great day!! Wendy ============================================================