One application for this was just mentioned by Cow Spots, another is

A few webpages on this topic are: Caches Along A 
Route With Streets And Trips Using Streets & Trips to Generate 
Waypoints For an Arc Filter to Find Caches Along a Route in GSAK Hyper Optimizing 
Trips with Microsoft Streets & Trips

*This is a note from Groundspeak about sharing your downloads though* *Sharing 
your GPX files is a violation of the terms of use for this site. I have 
deleted your link. Even emailing these files is not really accepted. If you 
are emailing a Premium Member that is not so bad. Posting links to the 
general public is a no-no. *

Hope some of these help.

On 7/7/05, D. Nichols <> wrote:
> Question... I am going on a road trip from Michigan back to AZ next week.
> Does anyone know an easy way to find all the caches along a specific 
> I would like to find and download all of them into my GPS prior to 
> Is there a software package or a way to search that will do this?
> Damian
> GeoCrazy
> <>
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