I just got back from a 2 1/2 week vacation. We drove up to Minnesota, and had quite a lot of fun caching across America. We probably hit 80+ caches while we were gone, in 8 states. One of the highlights was visiting "Mingo" [GC30], the oldest active cache on the planet. It's in a teeny little town (called Mingo, naturally) just outside of Colby, Kansas. The coolest part about that cache was that the info sheet in the cache was so old it still refered to the sport as the "GPS Stash game" instead of what would later become called geocaching. If any one listened to me on www.georadio.org a couple of weeks ago, I hope you enjoyed it. It was fun to shoot the breeze about caching with someone I'd never met. Regarding the off-topic posts : Yeah, it happens. I wish it happened less, but I'm pragmatic enough to realize that it'll happen from time to time. I wish that we could use the convention from USENET of placing an "OT:" designation in front of off-topic postings, but you can't win 'em all. Watching post after post of pseudoscience garbage like Prophet Yahweh fill up my inbox didn't thrill me, but as someone previously said, not everyone is thrilled by Jeep or gun discussions either. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com