PS.... disregard my liberal comment... I was just trying to be funny after reading Bill's message (which I did find entertaining... but a bit harsh).... then after reading Brian's email I realized I was being sucked in.... Oh well..... Long live the queen!!! Damian Nichols <> wrote: Amen... (and Im not even religious)... I hate replys that go under the original posting. Having to scroll down to find the new info... drives me crazy.... Damn liberals! Post your reply ON TOP and include it all !!!!!!!! Bill Nolan <> wrote: Hmmmmm... Posting etiquette? Do we find that in Emily Post? Just who is the authority? It seems that people with slow connections want posts trimmed, while those with broadband couldn't care less. Well, if you are an advocate of trimming, I'm sorry to tell you that I am adding to the alleged problem. I teach computer science, so I am educating a generation of college students that the correct thing is to include the message to which you are replying. Besides, post trimmers are probably commies who watch CNN instead of Foxnews, and voted for Kerry. Now, the other controversy is whether your reply should go above or below the quoted text. I vote for above, with the old posts below, and the oldest at the bottom. Bill in Willcox -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Kerrilynn Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 12:55 PM To: Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Trimming Posts > From: "Brian Casteel" > Posting etiquette can go both ways though. Some > people prefer to maintain continuity to make it easier to keep track of the entire conversation. Hmmmm...can't help but think that if it is 'that hard' to keep up, imagine what they go thru in attempting to find caches! eh? Then again, I'm sure the difficulty really equates to 'time'. Easier to be lazy because come on now... it doesn't take Einstein to figure out how to trim & still maintain continuity of a thread. on>Ohhhh, but wait, *duh* I'm a woman - of course it's easy! > DISCLAIMER: > This message is confidential, intended only for the > named recipient(s) and may contain information that > is privileged or exempt from disclosure under ...and, umm.... wassup with this with every post too? ...yanno, cuz like... this is really disappointing. Here I was fixin to share this info with my Maa & Paa, My Uncle Ebert, Aunt Margie, sister Emma Lou, Billy Bob down the street was hankerin for some info and ya see... none of them have 'putas so that means that I've gotta print off a dozen copies to pass around, and then they've got friends, and friends gots friends... and well, yanno... the list just goes on and on! delimma delimma delimma! I need an aspirin... Kerrilynn Wednesday!" __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The all-new My Yahoo! - Get yours free! ____________________________________________________________ Az-Geocaching mailing list To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: Arizona's Geocaching Resource ____________________________________________________________ Az-Geocaching mailing list To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: Arizona's Geocaching Resource