Brian, What an interesting web site. I have book marked it and will check it from time to time. Not that I know just what all I am looking at. Do you have a suggestion for a sniffer like you mentioned that will look at the route I am taking when I hook up to someone. Just interested, a little. And where does one look up, if possible, the DNS tables?? Thank, Bob Smith, Petite Elite Brian - Team A.I. wrote: (snip) Fairbanks, AK router, check Basically, the routers you see listed are the mother of all routers and are collectively responsible for the entire N American continent. I'm guessing the people in Alaska are pretty pissed right about now. > DNS: Domain Name System. Ever wonder what's behind For > every single web address on the internet, there is a numerical IP > address associated with it. The primary IP address for is > Would you rather remember or that numerical > address? :) DNS tables do the job of matching those numbers to their > corresponding domain name ( If a DNS tables becomes > 'poisoned', it pretty much means that some corrupt data was inserted > into the file and completely scrambled the data, rendering it useless. >