Yuban the Can II (Aka Everything that can happen with caching trip.) I had first wanted to get Yuban the Can II way back when it first was placed as when the first Yuban was found RandMan and I parked further than we needed, so knowing that you could park pretty much right next to this Yuban, I waited. I read the logs about those who hiked up the mountain, then I read the hint a good 4X4 will get you close, I have been hanging around RTW to much I have even been in the back of his 2X4 going places 'it ain't supposed to be'. I really like my Cache-Mobile a 1983 Toyota Cressida it has taken me about every place that I wanted to go, in the grand scheme of things last week I was able to borrow my sister's Toyota Camry, a lot newer and Way more nicer, it was in that vehicle where I first started the finding of 04/04/04 cache, which leads to another issue of pride, it will be discussed shortly. Needless to say I have enjoyed the TEF Cache-mobile so it wasn't without hesitation that after finding the first part to the nearby cache, that this cache .40 miles that a way would be driven in the TEF Cache-Mobile. The road we were currently on, even though it looked like a tornado blew apart a house, as there were fixing everywhere, was not the road to Yuban so I did something that I would not recommend doing that being driving around through the private neighborhood, but we parked and walked far enough to find the correct road that leads to Yuban, so back out the way we came back through tornado alley and back onto the road to Yuban. Maybe it was the fact that I gave the Cache-mobile its first real car wash in over a year, used the engine degreaser and everything on the outside, but I was beginning to regret all the dirt roads that we had been driving on this day. As we rounded the left hand turn and drove past the open gate, this is where all the thinking that I have been doing as of late ruined me, I didn't accelerate as fast as I now know the Cache-Mobile should have been, traveling past the rain caused ruts approached to within about .12 miles from Yuban, this is a section of road that has the whoop de do's so all that non momentum put just enough hesitation in my driving decision along with the voiced concern from Alex, the younger member, that I stopped. Now I know that most of you reading this would have been thinking, just get out and hike. (Yes this is all well and fine but I decided that backing down and turning around now before finding the cache would be a good idea). Just like Neo in the Matrix, the meet the Oracle Scene and the broken vase, what happened next really blew what little mind I had left. Just as the rear left wheel dropped into the rut I turned the steering wheel combined with gravity assisted momentum both rear wheels passed through the rut, again at this point the Cache-Mobile was at a crux it tried to warn me, I heard a break squeak but I at that moment in time I pressed the accelerator dragging the front wheels into the rut, so here no less than .12 miles from Yuban the Can II Team Evil Fish, Cache-mobile and all sat stuck facing the Superstition Mountains.