A couple GPS items in the news … Space.com is running a series on “Space Age Communication.” First up are some articles about GPS, including a mention of geocaching. http://www.space.com/businesstechnology/technology/satcom_outline_0311.html And then, there’s this, from the trial of the so-called DC Sniper: Some of the more chilling evidence yesterday came from the laptop computer reportedly found in Muhammad's car. An analysis of the computer's hard drive showed a mapping program installed Sept. 29, 2002 - a few days before the sniper shootings began. The program contained six maps of the Washington, D.C., region, with close-ups of the scenes of shootings. Two icons of skulls and crossbones were shown on a map of Fredericksburg, Va. - one near the Michaels store where Caroline Seawell was shot and another near the Exxon station where Kenneth Bridges was killed. Another map showed in green a route from Fredericksburg to Bowie. The route ended near the middle school where a boy was shot. "When I typed in 'Benjamin Tasker Middle School,' the software knew where the school was and placed the icon in for me," testified John Hair, the FBI special agent and cybercrimes expert who examined the computer. Another map, one of Montgomery County, contained four skull-and-crossbones icons. Two were near shooting scenes. Also, a map of the Seven Corners region of Fairfax County had a skull and crossbones over the Home Depot where Linda Franklin was killed, with "good one" typed in beside it. http://www.sunspot.net/news/local/crime/bal-te.md.sniper06nov06,0,3855408.st ory?coll=bal-home-headlines