A question for our Ambassador: I'm not sure that John Negroponte is a Geocacher. Is there a global (Arizona) policy of "No Caches in Wilderness Areas?" There's no global policy because there's no global agency that would make it. I do know that Tonto NF, who are probably the strongest supporters Geocaching has within Arizona land management, forbid caches in all designated wilderness areas within the Forest, not just the Superstition WA. Since the USFS policy seems to be that there should be no man-made objects in designated wilderness areas, it seems safe to assume that they would consider physical caches to be in violation of that restriction. So I would think the policy is national for USFS designated wilderness areas. What I don't know is if there are any other agencies besides USFS and NPS that can designate wilderness areas. NPS is moot of course, since caches are banned on all NPS land. Steve Team Tierra Buena