Since we began caching, we haven't had a chance to go outside of the state. When we do, we will likely do some geocaching. Chances are, we will be selective about which caches we do. The new memorial plaque to the Original Stash will be on our hit list.

Ken Akerman <> wrote:RopingTheWind wrote:
I only cache in state (AZ). . . I do have to say though that there are some really interesting caches up here in WA and look mighty tempting! :)  
Why don't you seek caches outside of Arizona?  There are many interesting caches all over the world.  One of my goals is to find at least one cache in every state.  So far I have AZ, CA, UT, NM, TX, CO, KS, WY, IL, WI, NJ, CT, and OK (virtuals only).  That's 12 states with at least one regular cache found.  
How many states have each of you found caches in?  Who has found caches in the most states?  Who has found caches outside the USA, and who has found the caches in the most foreign countries?
Ken Akerman (a.k.a. Highpointer)

Till a voice, as bad as Conscience, rang interminable changes
  On one everlasting Whisper day and night repeated -- so:
"Something hidden.  Go and find it. Go and look behind the Ranges --
  "Something lost behind the Ranges. Lost and waiting for you. Go!"


Rudyard Kipling ,   The Explorer  1898

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