On Thursday, June 5, 2003, at 09:23 PM, Rancho Santa Ynez wrote: > Hi! ~~~Read on the Prescott Courier's front page tonight that there > will be a Cache Hunt in Acker Park on Saturday at 10:30am.  This is > part of the celebration of National Trail Day.  Other things going on > there all day. > Paper didn't say who was 'hosting" the Cache Hunt, just that it was > happening.  Anyone know more about it?  As far as I know there is just > one cache hidden in that park. ~~~AzUC >   > You can find the story here: http://www.communitypapers.com/DAILYCOURIER/ myarticles.asp?P=772494&S=400&PubID=10843 It does not say who is doing the Cache Hunt.