Sorry for the last minute notice. A couple of cachers have been interested in seeing the business we've bought, and I figure I might as well make it an opportunity for anyone else who is interested and may have the time. We're meeting Monday (tomorrow) at 10:30 AM at our place of business: N 33 37.431 W 111 55.309. Suite 106. In lieu of a hint you can call 480.991.1198. This is not an event cache because there is no way to do it without it being a "commercial" cache (full disclosure: with any luck on our part you might actually want to buy something from us, but if you show up you're under no obligation to buy). No refreshments unless you bring your own. We'll probably only be there for an hour at most, so you'll still have plenty of time to make your afternoon barbecues. Steve Team Tierra Buena