Hey everyone, I noticed that some people (don't want to name any names) are posting notes instead of no-finds or not even posting anything at all when not finding a cache. I was just curious as to why people do that because there is a reason we have the option of logging no-finds. I am sure this topic was probably discussed already in the forum, I guess I just wasn't paying attention. I feel that no-find postings will help both the owner of the cache and other cachers as well. For the owner, a no-find posting will alert the cache owner as to the cache possibly missing. This might lead to the owner checking up on the cache and doing some maintenence. For other cachers, it helps them in determining whether or not to try for a particular cache if a few no-finds have been posted. Also, I don't see how a no-find will hurt the person (stats wise). People should not be ashamed that they couldn't find a particular cache because it happens to everyone. I know that I have had the hardest times with some easy caches (like Fire Closure 2) and the easiest time with some more difficult caches (like No Breeze and Bush Wacked). Anybody else feel the same way I do? Or am I alone on this? Frieza(Bored right now at school on Good Friday) --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.