Oh what silly reasoning. I can't think of why someone would want to become a member only to be able to find Member Only caches. I always felt that they where dumb, but if that is what the hider wants, that's their choice. Why worry about the couple of caches you can't find because your not a member. There are so many caches available in the Phoenix area you can't possibly find them all. I know this for a fact. I have tried. There are many other reasons for joining. The main one being is that geocaching.com has been supplying a great service for quite some time and hasn't asked for much in return. Those of you in AZ have the added benefit of azgeocahing.com to supply extra features that are only available to those of us, that must reside outside of AZ, through membership. But even azgeocahing.com info come from geocaching.com. Whether or not some one wishes to support or not, has never been a problem for me. It is a personal choice. Being a member does not make one an Elitist. If it did there would be a lot less support out their. Just play the game and have fun. stop worrying about the little stuff. Loran (Team Sand Dollar)